by Eric Weiss
Finding the right gift is hard – especially when you don’t know a darn thing about the hobby you’re shopping for. Sure, you know the kid plays Dungeons & Dragons. But what the heck is a d20, and how is it supposed to help anyone kill a beholder?
Thankfully, there are plenty of safe gamer gifts that don’t require any specialized knowledge (they’re also good gifts if you DO have knowledge, but you probably didn’t need us to tell you that). Keep reading for some gift ideas that any gamer is sure to appreciate!
For the DM (or the aspiring DM)…

🥇 Featured in Forbes Magazine
🏆 Recommended as a top gift for Dungeon Masters by Forbes
Let’s start with the obvious. The Story Engine Deck is a fantastic resource for anyone that wants to create deeper characters with compelling motivations, while Deck of Worlds is great for anyone that likes creating exciting locations. Together, they have everything a DM needs to launch their next thrilling adventure.
Check out our complete D&D deck guide if you want to learn more about our various decks and expansions.
For the player who wants to roll…

Dice are the lifeblood of the gaming table (and for reference, a d20 is a 20-sided die). They determine which characters live and die, and which ones make an embarrassing amount of noise when they try to sneak through the goblin camp unnoticed.
There are also some truly fantastic designs available in the modern day and age (a special shout out to our friends at Roll With Advantage, where you can get the set of Odin's Eye Dice you see above). Dice are a safe gift for any gamer because you never know when they’ll need to replace an unlucky set.
For the player whose dice keep dinging the table…

A soft playmat is a great way to protect your playing surface. You can pick up one of ours, or grab one featuring a favorite character* or franchise*. There are A LOT of different designs out there, so shop around to find one that fits!
*Links are examples, not recommendations or endorsements.
For the player who can’t keep it on the table…

Use a dice tower to keep dice in play. Just drop the dice in the top, then read the results when they land safely and securely in the holding pen at the bottom. As with playmats, there are lots of different designs to choose from*, and they’re a great option if you’re tired of finding stray dice underneath the furniture.
For the player who wants to see field…

Dry erase battle maps* are the key to more tactical combat – especially when paired with character miniatures* (another great gift idea). A battle map lets players draw their dungeon with precise dimensions, and is endlessly reusable thanks to the magic of dry-erase markers. Give the battle map a try to visualize the encounter as it’s happening.
For the player who wants new ways to play…

Our decks are great for creating characters and settings, but the rule set is something else entirely. Whether it’s a newer system like EMBERWIND or an old classic like D&D, RPG rulebooks give you plenty of new ways to explore the hobby.
There are RPGs for every genre, with rule sets that range from the simple to the devilishly complex. Our cards are compatible with every single one of them, so there’s no need to worry about getting locked into one particular ecosystem. Just look for a world or a concept that’s likely to appeal to the tastes of the intended recipient!
For the player with particular requirements…

From Unique Items to Lore Fragments, we offer a range of standalone expansions that can help with one particular area of content creation. Browse our collection (or read the aforementioned guide) to find the one that’s appropriate for you or someone you know!